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  YEAR XII   NO. 73       Pentedattilo Foto Maria Teresa Bagnato                You're not that far away                                  Mnemonic journey in the land of the Bruzi     Loving mother you guided the first steps of childhood. Mountains like open Silan arms, tentacles gliding to the Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas, Meduse and sweet new style of Versace. Purple shorelines looking beyond, toward the Aeolian Islands, protected behind opulent backdrops.   Mental journeys poised between present and past, blue journeys and beyond the sea, still beyond Gilbiterra, projections into the future, into a new world.   Scents of jasmine, at dawn, bergamot in sunny afternoons and almond blossoms in abundant springs, bees stunned by heat and flights with senseless trajectories, honey of April and July.  Vineyards overflowing with rich, juicy grapes, musts roady and sticky, broom flowers, sandy rust, oregano, St. Martin's. Green hills, shady chestnut groves, sheep pastures, whey and ri

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